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Résumés anglais

Françoise POYET, Nadja ACIOLY-REGNIER, Jean-Claude REGNIER, Guillaume CLERE

Virtual reality and subjectivation: fostering empathy to fight against sexual harassment at work (résumé) (pdf)

Volume 30, 2023 - Article de Recherche

The objective of our article is to analyze the impact of the use of a virtual reality device on the emotions of users in the context of the
fight against sexual harassment at work. Our research, exploratory in nature, was conducted in 2019 with 25 MEEF Master's students (Teaching, Education
and Training Professions) from the first and 2nd degree at INSPE Lyon. Based on statistical processing carried out with SPAD, we show that the majority
of students identify with the victim (64% of cases) and that their age does not influence the nature of their emotions. On the other hand, there is a
significant link between the sex of the students, their initial emotional quotient, the choice of identification with a character and the nature of
their emotional feelings.

Christine MICHEL, Laëtitia PIERROT

Teachers' practices during COVID-19 lockdown: Levels and factors of technologies integration in schools and perspectives for uses' development. (résumé) (article) (pdf)

Volume 29, 2022 - Article de Recherche

Numéro spécial : Sélection de la conférence EIAH 2021.

This paper examines a survey of the digital practices implemented by French primary and secondary school teachers during the spring 2020 lockdown. Results show that teachers have marginally adapted their practices and innovated, but that a significant evolution requires better support. We propose some improvement perspectives based on a redesign of virtual learning environments (VLE) to keep developing digital uses.

Thomas SERGENT, Morgane DANIEL, François BOUCHET, Thibault CARRON

Detection and remediation of self-evaluation and self-efficacy deficits in an ITS (résumé) (article) (pdf)

Volume 29, 2022 - Article de Recherche

Numéro spécial : Sélection de la conférence EIAH 2021.

Research shows that the ability to self-regulate one's learning has a significant positive impact on academic outcomes. Here, we present a study to detect some self-regulated learning (SRL) deficits for young students, in the context of a web-based literacy application. Based on the responses from 467,116 student to questions assessing perceived and desired difficulty, we propose an operational definition of different forms of deficits and then measure the impact of two remediation strategies to address them. The results demonstrate that scaffolding SRL skills in a web-based application at an early age, while learning another skill, is indeed possible.


Feedback in a learning environment: model and decision (résumé) (article) (pdf)

Volume 29, 2022 - Article de Recherche

Numéro spécial : Sélection de la conférence EIAH 2021.

This paper introduces a model for describing epistemic feedbacks and a computer model for deciding these feedbacks. The description model is based on didactic knowledge and aims to be sufficiently explicit to allow the automatic decision-making of feedbacks. The computational decision model combines expert knowledge and a RL algorithm. Initial evaluations of the description model were carried out to verify its descriptive capacity. In addition, the reification of the model and its integration into an implementation of the decision-making model made it possible to show the feasibility of the approach.


Contextualized practice of digital tablets: A prevented intentionality? (résumé) (article) (pdf)

Volume 29, 2022 - Article de Recherche

Numéro spécial : Sélection de la conférence EIAH 2021.

The digital context in school and university presents significant constraints in the Mayotte academy. Mobile tools could overcome these constraints. We study the intentionality of practicing with digital tablets during initial teachers training. A questionnaire survey is proposed. 87 responses are analyzed. Intentionality is explained by the importance of a self-efficacity in the academic context. Profile analyses reveal the importance of personal tablet owning on the contextualized intentionality of tablet practice. In conclusion, the intentionality modelling is debated and the challenges of initial teaching training about digital tablets are discussed.

Laëtitia PIERROT, Christine MICHEL, Julien BROISIN, Nathalie GUIN, Marie LEFEVRE, Rémi VENANT

Evaluating the usefulness and usability of the COMPER service to support self-regulation in autonomous work (résumé) (article) (pdf)

Volume 29, 2022 - Article de Recherche

Numéro spécial : Sélection de la conférence EIAH 2021.

In this article, we present the evaluation and analysis of the use of the COMPER service, which includes a competency profile (COM) and personalized resources (PER), carried out with 181 students of a First-Year Diploma of Computer Science between 2020 and 2021. The results show that despite a limited use, the service is globally considered useful, especially for the profiles of students working individually.

Guillaume BONVIN, Éric SANCHEZ

Ludicization of classroom management with Classcraft. A systemic study. (résumé) (article) (pdf)

Volume 29, 2022 - Article de Recherche

This paper draw on an empirical study about Classcraft, a digital game dedicated to classroom management, conducted in secondary schools in Switzerland and Brazil. The study is based on the Theory of didactical situations. It aims to understand how students’ behavior is influenced by the game and rely on a model that situates the game experience in a context that includes the game; the teacher’s task, which integrates the game; and the organizational culture of the institution in which the teacher work. The analyses that were carried out are based on a mixed methodology: collection of digital traces of interaction, semi-structured interviews with the people involved and in situ observations.

Maëlle PLANCHE, Cédric d’HAM, Christian HOFFMANN, Nadine MANDRAN, Isabelle GIRAULT, Claire WAJEMAN, Nicolas BALACHEFF, Patricia MARZIN

Characterization of pedagogical transformations driven by a digital platform (résumé) (article) (pdf)

Volume 29, 2022 - Article de Recherche

Numéro spécial : Sélection de la conférence EIAH 2021.

This article analyzes the role played by the use of a digital platform (LabNbook) on the transformations of the pedagogical activities proposed to higher education students. We observe evolutions in the pedagogical objectives aimed by the teachers, notably at the disciplinary level. The results also show that the use of LabNbook leads teachers to question the instructional alignment. Finally, our results allow us to propose a characterization of the pedagogical transformation induced by the long-term use of a digital tool.


Pedagogical practices during the lockdown: changes and uses of digital toolst. (résumé) (article) (pdf)

Volume 29, 2022 - Article de Recherche

The lockdown, announced on March 16, 2020, led to a massive use of digital tools to offer pedagogical continuity. A questionnaire measuring their digital practices during the lockdown, as well as the factors of change, was sent to them by email. Although the use of digital tools increased during the lockdown, the underlying pedagogical practices have not changed much. The results of this study support the idea that the appropriation of digital tools should be considered over a long period of time and through a change in teaching practices.


TGRIS, professional training with a virtual reality interview simulator, configured and piloted by peers (résumé) (article) (pdf)

Volume 29, 2022 - Article de Recherche

TGRIS is a Virtual Reality interview simulator, designed to train Pedagogical Counselors (PCs) to become aware of their own emotional state, when confronted to a resistant novice teacher, simulated by an Embodied Conversational Agents (ECA). This tool has the particularity of using dialogues that were collected from real-life problematic interviews. The PCs are also responsible of triggering the verbal reactions, non-verbal reactions and the emotional state of the virtual novice teacher. Three experimentations, lead with 12, 17 and 3 PCs, show the potential of the TGRIS technology-enhanced training sessions.


Autotelic experience in TELS: socio-historical, epistemological and critical genesis of positive technologies for learning (résumé) (article) (pdf)

Volume 28, 2021 - Article de Recherche

Numéro spécial : Les technologies positives pour l'apprentissage.

The scientific research concerning autotelic experience (flow) in human-computer interactions was initiated in the 1980s. It is therefore necessary to keep on a critical eye on the contemporary emergence of positive technologies for learning. However, we can consider that it constitutes an offshoot of positive psychology specifically dedicated to research in the field of technology-enhanced learning spaces. This field includes the scientific study of the conditions and processes through which the technology supports the flourishing or optimal functioning of 1) learners, people working in education or training, and all stakeholders of the lifelong and life-wide learning; 2) real life or virtual communities in which they learn or work; and 3) education, training or working systems, organizations or environments.

Fanny BORAITA, Anne-Sophie COLLARD, Julie HENRY

Conceptual metaphors: a first step towards a critical robotics education. (résumé) (article) (pdf)

Volume 28, 2021 - Article de Recherche

Numéro spécial : Technologies pour l’apprentissage de l’Informatique de la maternelle à l’université

Two robotics education activities are the subject of an exploratory study: the first one confronts 140 children (3-10 years old) with educational robots and the second one allows 13 teenagers (8-15 years old) to build their robot. The focus is on the metaphors used spontaneously by the trainers and learners. Their exploration aims at deepening the understanding of the interactions between trainers, learners and robots in order to reflect on issues to be addressed in a critical education to technology

Christophe DECLERCQ

Some references in computer science didactics for teacher training. (texte) (pdf)

Volume 28, 2021 - Rubrique

Numéro spécial : Technologies pour l’apprentissage de l’Informatique de la maternelle à l’université

This paper gives some references used in computer science teachers professional development in France. In conclusion, it made proposals for research and the continuing education of teachers.

Nadine MANDRAN, Maelle PLANCHE, Patricia MARZIN-JANVIER, Mathieu VERMEULEN, Aous KAROUI, Cédric d’HAM, Isabelle GIRAULT, Claire WAJEMAN, Christian HOFFMANN

How to build an evaluation process in TEL based on Design-Based Research? (résumé) (article) (pdf)

Volume 28, 2021 - Article de Recherche

This paper proposes a method model to build a process for evaluating a digital learning platform in a real context over time. The objectives of this evaluation are: to meet the expectations of teachers, to provide data for research, to make the platform evolve technically and to provide the institution funding the project with feedback on its use. We illustrate this method with the LabNbook project involving 157 teachers and more than 4500 students. As the method includes the seven properties of Design-Based Research (DBR), we finally report on the use of these properties.


Difficulties and coping strategies of teachers in front of technological innovation: three case studies. (résumé) (article) (pdf)

Volume 28, 2021 - Article de Recherche

This article summarizes the results of three empirical studies on the introduction of technological tools in primary and secondary schools in Switzerland. These are an internet platform for learning how to read and write, digital tablets, and a "lantern" for classroom management. We focus on the interviews with the teachers to highlight the positive aspects of using these tools. We also present the main difficulties encountered by the teachers and the strategies they deploy to overcome them.


A model-driven design approach for the generation of adapted scenarios in learning games (résumé) (article) (pdf)

Volume 28, 2021 - Article de Recherche

In the context of learning games, we tackle the need of generating adapted learning scenarios according to elements such as the learners’ progress and skills. We propose a model-driven design approach that guides designers and domain experts to specify, as models and metamodels, what has to be generated, what contextualizes the generation, and what information is required from the learning game. We apply it in the “Escape it!” context, an ”escape-room” game for helping children with autism to learn visual performance skills.


Programmable robots in the classroom with 9-10 year old students. Digital education and technical culture (résumé) (article) (pdf)

Volume 28, 2021 - Article de Recherche

Numéro spécial : Technologies pour l’apprentissage de l’Informatique de la maternelle à l’université

Digital education has taken place in elementary school curricula and with it, programmable robots are being introduced into school. These artefacts also allow acquiring a technical culture. In this article, the technological activities of 10 year olds in a class are analyzed. This analysis makes it possible to reveal the processes and approaches implemented by the children to appropriate the BeeBot® robot then a more complex robot, the ProBot®.

Charline CARLOT, Audrey KUMPS, Bruno DE LIEVRE

Analysis of a training course for future teachers relating to the teaching of programming, via the Minecraft tool: Education Edition. (résumé) (article) (pdf)

Volume 28, 2021 - Article de Recherche

Numéro spécial : Technologies pour l’apprentissage de l’Informatique de la maternelle à l’université

In this article, we are interested in the impact of the profiles of future primary and mathematics teachers on the development of their perceptions and educational intent in teaching programming. For this, training using the Minecraft tool: Education Edition has been proposed. The results, interpreted from different models derived from the TAM model (Davis et Davis, 1989), make it possible to provide some avenues of reflection for the initial and continuing training of teachers.


Introducing pupils to robotics & computer science: when mediating materials impact the teaching action's grammar. (résumé) (article) (pdf)

Volume 28, 2021 - Article de Recherche

Numéro spécial : Technologies pour l’apprentissage de l’Informatique de la maternelle à l’université

This paper presents a comparative study of cognitive mediations between pedagogical devices dedicated to introduced robotic/ computer science to last section of kindergarten learners. The ludo-pedagogical session “Blue Bot” used for the experimentations was declined in three modalities: the body, the robot and digital tablets. This study highlights how mediator instruments influence acts of teaching through the identification of professional gestures, postures and conceptions.


PATTERN..PATTERN.. : learning loops without spatial skills. (résumé) (article) (pdf)

Volume 28, 2021 - Article de Recherche

Numéro spécial : Technologies pour l’apprentissage de l’Informatique de la maternelle à l’université

This article presents an educational setting intended to introduce 5-6 year olds pupils to the loop concept. It articulates unplugged activities, problem solving and creative activities through an online platform. The analysis of observations and digital traces collected in an ecological setting shows that it is possible to introduce basic algorithmic concepts by relying solely on visual patterns identification, avoiding spatial tracking difficulties (robot movements). We also show elements of appropriation by kindergarten teachers who have been introduced to computational thinking.

Jean-Baptiste RACLET, Franck SILVESTRE, Mika PONS

Git4School: A Dashboard for Supporting Teacher Decision Making in Software Engineering Courses (résumé) (article) (pdf)

Volume 28, 2021 - Article de Recherche

Numéro spécial : Technologies pour l’apprentissage de l’Informatique de la maternelle à l’université

This article presents Git4School, a dashboard for teachers providing visualizations based on data extracted from learners' Git repositories, combined with temporal contextual information. Based on several experiments, we show a good general feeling of learners about using Git in an educational context. We show how Git4School can be useful for identifying weaknesses in learning designs and for targeting their needs for improvement.


Analysis of mutual aid processes in the context of a remote and virtual laboratory for computer education (résumé) (article) (pdf)

Volume 28, 2021 - Article de Recherche

Numéro spécial : Technologies pour l’apprentissage de l’Informatique de la maternelle à l’université

This transdisciplinary research seeks to analyze student behaviour in mutual aid situations, in the context of a virtual and remote laboratory for computer education. This study allows to identify different configurations of mutual aid, and reveals that students contribute homogeneously to chat sessions supported by a peer terminal consultation tool. It also shows that the task difficulty would impact the quality of the mutual aid sessions.


Learning computer programming at the transition from middle-school to high-school.(résumé) (article) (pdf)

Learning computer programming at the transition from middle-school to high-school. (abstract)

Volume 28, 2021 - Article de Recherche

Numéro spécial : Technologies pour l’apprentissage de l’Informatique de la maternelle à l’université

This article focuses on the transition from block-based programming (Scratch) in middle school to text-based programming (Python) in high school. Using theory of didactic situations (Brousseau, 1998) concepts, we aim to identify the specific discontinuities to this transition and to design and test a didactic engineering to support it. We were able to test a sequence which propose the resolution of challenges through the programming of a Micro:bit card with volunteer students during a workshop on extra-curricular time. We highlight: the students’ learnings, the constitution of an intermediate stage concerning the programming paradigms and the technical constraints at stake, the strong commitment of the students.


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