A paraître

Rubrique « Que-Dit-La-Recherche ? » du site de l’Agence nationale des usages des TICE
Direction R&D usages du numérique pour l’éducation de Réseau CANOPE

Nos objectifs
Les objectifs de la rubrique sont d’apporter des éléments de réflexion aux professionnels de l’enseignement et de la formation :
- A propos des pratiques pédagogiques mobilisant le numérique ;
- Quant aux avantages et aux limites des technologies pour les apprentissages

Journal of Technology and Teacher Education - Special Issue on: Technological Supports for Practice-Based Teacher Education

JTATE is the official journal of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE).


With this special issue, we are interested in how technology can support efforts to make practice of skills embedded in teaching practices a focus in university-based teacher education.


IJAIED (International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education) Themed CFP


IJAIED: International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education publishes interdisciplinary work at the frontiers of the fields of computer science, education and psychology.

UMUAI special issue on Multimodal Learning Analytics & Personalized Support Across Spaces

Special issue of Journal for Interactive Learning Research on Mobile Technologies for Learning

The International Journal of Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments

Call for papers 

The International Journal of Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments is a peer reviewed journal for scholars to share their experiences and research finding on the use of web 2.0 tools (especially social media) for teaching and learning.

We are calling for papers. Suitable topics include but are not limited to:

Joint Special Issue of IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC) and IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (TLT) on “Innovation in Technologies for Educational Computing”

The goal of this joint Special Issue is to provide an overview of most recent emerging and “fringe” learning technologies. Sample topics of interest include:

Numéro spécial "Intelligence artificielle des jeux informatisés" de la Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle

De manière non exhaustive, les articles de ce numéro spécial pourront porter sur les problèmes, méthodes et techniques suivants :
* Planification d'action,
* Calcul de chemin,
* Prise de décisions dans un environnement dynamique, dans un jeu à
information complète ou incomplète,
* Extraction et fouille de données liées aux jeux,
* CSP/SAT dans les jeux,

Revue "Education and Information Technologies" (revue IFIP) - 
Special Issue on Students, Computers and Learning: Where Is the Connection?

Revue "IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games (T-CIAIG)" - numéro spécial "Intelligence in Serious Games".
