A paraître

Revue Communication, Technologies et Développement . Numéro thématique : "De la régulation de l'intelligence artificielle dans le domaine éducatif : Discours, dispositifs, pratiques"

Technology-Enhanced Learning and Teaching: Sustainable Education, Special issue of MDPI Sustainability

The surge in the proliferation of technology-enhanced learning and teaching has provided researchers, teachers, students, instructional designers, and policy makers with rich opportunities to improve teaching and learning. The global COVID‐19 pandemic has further accelerated the use of technology-enhanced learning in an unprecedented way.

Journal of Technology & Teacher Education (JTATE) - Special Issue on Extended Reality

Extended Reality (XR) is the umbrella term for immersive mediums including virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), 360 video, volumetric video, and so forth.

Numéro spécial de la revue Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Éducation et la Formation

QWERTY - From the Teaching machines to the Machine learning: opportunities and challenges for Artificial Intelligence in education

Since the advent of writing – the first intellectual technology with which humanity has provided itself - people have discussed the impact of technologies on the development of the faculty that most distinguishes ourselves as a species: learning. A renewed interest of these discourses has grown up as a consequence of the integration of digital technologies in educational contexts.

Production d’écrits et technologies : appel à communication thématique de la revue Adjectif

Objectifs de l’appel

La production d’écrits est depuis longtemps largement tributaire de l’utilisation de systèmes informatisés, qu’ils soient classiques, hybrides ou embarqués. De nombreux travaux ont été menés, dès les années 1980 sur les traitements de texte puis sur les blogs et autres systèmes de production de documents textuels dans l’éducation.

Intégration pédagogique des TIC, revue internationale de l’Association AUPTIC•Education

 Appel à articles pour un numéro thématique "Les technologies numériques… nouvelles opportunités pour l’apprent

Intégration pédagogique des TIC, revue internationale de l’Association AUPTIC•Education

La revue IPTIC - Intégration pédagogique des TIC, revue internationale de l’Association AUPTIC•Education - vous propose deux appels à textes qui peuvent vous intéresser : Ap

Int. Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning - Special Issue on: "Knowledge Management Technologies in Education"

The high volume of information in organisations has led researchers to focus on knowledge management as a form of competitive leverage.

Journal of Technology and Teacher Education - Special Issue - Preparing All Teacher Educators to Support Teacher Candidates' Integration of Technology

We are interested in capturing how the TETCs or other similar initiatives are being used or developed by those in the field, (e.g., teacher educators, professional developers, and educational leaders). 
