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Tenure track position at Northwestern Learning Sciences program

Assistant Professor in New Media and Learning

Northwestern University’s School of Education and Social Policy (SESP) seeks a tenure-track assistant professor to contribute to research and teaching in the Learning Sciences Program. Northwestern’s Learning Sciences program, founded in 1992, was the first graduate program in learning sciences and has played a leadership role in graduate training and research in the field. We seek a new faculty member to join an active research community investigating issues of new media and learning.

CDD Silex 2013 — LIRIS

Dans le cadre d’une mission CNRS comportant un pilote MOOC à Lyon, le LIRIS recrute un Ingénieur d’étude pour une durée de 18 mois. Le poste correspond à la catégorie IE CNRS. Instrumentation d’environnement web EIAH pour l’intégration de plug in, pour l’instrumentation à des fins d’observation des activités d’apprentissage.

Contact : Alain Mille - LIRIS
