La scénarisation automatique avec CbKST
La scénarisation pédagogique semi-automatique avec CbKST (Competence-Based Knowledge Space Theory)
Dans ces vidéos, Amel Yessad présente un modèle de scénarisation de jeu sérieux basé sur l'acquisition de compétences par l'apprenant.
- Amel Yessad, Maître de Conférences, UPMC, Paris.
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EIAH • compétences • scénarisation • flow • CbKST • jeu sérieux •
C. Falmagne, J.-C. E. and T. Doignon, J.-P. N., “The assessment of knowledge, in theory and in practice.,” presented at the ICFCA 2006, Formal Concept Analysis, pp. 61–79, Springer, 2006. pdf
Melero J., El-Kechai N., Yessad A., Labat JM. (2016) "Adapting Learning Paths in Serious Games : An Approach Based on Teachers’ Requirements". In: Computer Supported Education. CSEDU 2015. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 583. Springer, Cham
G. Kickmeier-Rust, M. S. and Albert, D., “80days: melding adaptive educational technology and adaptive and interactive storytelling in digital educational games.,” presented at the First International Workshop on Story-Telling and Educational Games (STEG’08), 2008. pdf
- Amel Yessad, Maître de Conférences, UPMC, Paris.
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EIAH • compétences • scénarisation • flow • CbKST • jeu sérieux •
C. Falmagne, J.-C. E. and T. Doignon, J.-P. N., “The assessment of knowledge, in theory and in practice.,” presented at the ICFCA 2006, Formal Concept Analysis, pp. 61–79, Springer, 2006. pdf
Melero J., El-Kechai N., Yessad A., Labat JM. (2016) "Adapting Learning Paths in Serious Games : An Approach Based on Teachers’ Requirements". In: Computer Supported Education. CSEDU 2015. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 583. Springer, Cham
G. Kickmeier-Rust, M. S. and Albert, D., “80days: melding adaptive educational technology and adaptive and interactive storytelling in digital educational games.,” presented at the First International Workshop on Story-Telling and Educational Games (STEG’08), 2008. pdf
Dernière mise à jour : 7 mars, 2019 - 08:51