PhD offer in Albi

The Serious Game Research Lab (SGRL) of the University of Toulouse is inviting applications for a 36-months funded PhD studentship in Computer Science.

Keywords : Learning Games, Virtual Reality, Human-Computer Interaction, Oculus Rift, Unity3D.

The PhD will focus on developing an innovative interaction framework for collaborative immersive learning games. The student will seek to model, implement and test a set of human-computer interactions (or interaction metaphors) enabling multiple users in a virtual environment to interact with each other, with the objects and the furniture, and most importantly to share information and knowledge related to the environment.

(see attached PDF for further details)

Position details
* Location : Albi, CUFR Jean-François Champollion
* Host laboratory : IRIT (Toulouse Institute of Computer Science Research)
* PhD supervisors : Pr. Jean-Pierre Jessel, Pr. Pierre Lagarrigue and David Panzoli
* Doctorate degree from the University of Toulouse
* Salary : 1600 euros/month (net) + can be raised if teaching
* Start date : September/October 2015
* Duration : 3 years

Interested candidates are asked to contact David Panzoli ( for applications or inquiries before June 19th. Applications will be sent electronically and include an academic CV, a cover letter and references (letters or contact details of referees).

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Dernière mise à jour : 20 mai, 2015 - 09:46