Spécialité de l'hdr: 
Titre hdr: 
Supporting meaningful and adapted experience to foster motivation and sustained engagement
Abstract in english: 

I am interested in understanding more thoroughly how users can be supported when interacting with multi-surface, immersive, and gamified environments, managing complexity, and addressing non-instrumental needs. Beyond the instrumental aspects, shaping positive and flourishing user experiences, supporting well-being, and designing meaningful and engaging situations have attracted increasing interest. In this context, my research has focused on investigating how interactive systems should be designed to provide properties, functionalities, and affordances grounded in psychological theories that support users in their activities, create meaningful and adapted experiences, and foster motivation and sustained engagement.

My work is structured around three strongly interrelated research axes, each raising several challenges that I have addressed in the various studies I have conducted. Research Axis (1): Observing and understanding users’ activities and experiences with technology to inform the design. This involves conducting ecological and laboratory studies that primarily yield empirical contributions and design recommendations, and defining behavioral analysis methods that lead to methodological contributions. I am particularly interested in investigating several aspects of user experience and behaviors, including motivation, engagement, immersion, social interactions and collaboration. Research Axis (2): Modeling users’ characteristics, activities, and experiences, grounded in theories and relying on empirical findings, leading to methodological contributions. This is achieved through the use of statistical approaches to model the influences of users’ characteristics on user experience. Research Axis (3): Designing tailored or adaptive interactive systems, leading to technical and design contributions. This is achieved through the development of prototypes that provide specific affordances, tailoring and dynamic adaptation algorithms, and tools to support design choices.

Regarding my research project, I have begun to explore hybrid environments that combine digital and physical settings with heterogeneous devices. These environments create opportunities for the completion of complex tasks and fostering social interactions, but also raise several challenges related to discontinuities in interaction, motivation, communication, and, more broadly, collaboration. I thus outline my research perspectives in response to these challenges by proposing research avenues for 1) supporting meaningful experiences and 2) supporting sustained engagement through adapted experiences.

Université de rattachement: 
INSA de Lyon
Laboratoire de rattachement: 
LIRIS (UMR 5205)
Date de soutenance: 
Mercredi, 11 décembre, 2024
Lieu et heure de la soutenance: 

Le mercredi 11 décembre à 15h
Amphithéâtre Laura Bassi, INSA Lyon
23 avenue Jean Capelle Ouest, Villeurbanne

Composition du jury: 

Mackay Wendy, INRIA Saclay, Rapportrice
Martin Jean-Claude, Université Paris Saclay, Rapporteur
Vanden Abeele Vero, KU Leuven, Rapportrice
Dupuy Chessa Sophie, Université Grenoble Alpes, Examinatrice
Garcia Christophe, INSA Lyon, Examinateur
Hacid Mohand-Saïd, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Examinateur
Lavoué Elise, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Examinatrice

Dernière mise à jour : 3 décembre, 2024 - 07:23