Postdoctoral Fellow Positions at Arizona State University Learning Sciences Institute

Postdoctoral Fellow Positions LEARNING SCIENCES INSTITUTE ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY The Learning Sciences Institute at Arizona State University invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow position in the Science of Learning and Educational Technologies (SoLET) Laboratory. The Postdoctoral Fellow will contribute to projects that explore the optimal implementation and combination of features within intelligent tutoring systems and game-based learning environments. The candidate will be involved in conducting experimental and classroom studies, with tasks including experimental design, materials and game development, data analysis, data mining, personnel management, and participant recruitment. Participants will include classroom teachers, high school students and adult literacy learners. Qualifications: Must have earned a Ph.D. degree in cognitive psychology, learning sciences, education, educational technology, or in a related field within the past four years. The candidate should be proficient and have a solid background in quantitative and experimental methodology and a solid record of refereed publications. The ideal candidate will have a record of mentorship, experience leading or managing grant-funded projects, good interpersonal skills, experience working within collaborative environments, and experience working with K-12 schools and adult literacy learners. The candidate should have demonstrable interests in research related to learning and cognitive sciences, such as intelligent tutoring, educational technology, educational games, reading and writing processes, natural language processing, learning strategies, and/or knowledge and skill acquisition. Target start date: June 24, 2014, although the exact start date is negotiable. Salary: $40K annually Please submit a curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, and three letters of reference to Dr. Danielle S. McNamara ( Review of applicants begins June 2, 2014 until the position is filled. For information on current lab projects, visit:

Dernière mise à jour : 14 juin, 2014 - 16:29