WiPSCE 2024
The 19th WiPSCE Conference on Primary and Secondary Computing Education Research
The Call for Papers is on https://www.wipsce.org/2024/, with the following deadlines:
The deadline for full papers (6-10 pages), practical reports (4-6 papers) and short, work-in-progress, papers (3-4 pages) is 29th April.
The deadline for poster papers (2-pages) is on 16th June.
It's an ACM-in-cooperation conference and proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library.
As the title suggests, WiPSCE is an annual academic conference that is dedicated to primary and secondary computing education research, held in-person in Europe. It’s a great opportunity to meet other researchers interested in implementing computing in school. Topics include broadening participation, teaching approaches, attitudes to learning, contexts for learning and institutional aspects, all in the context of both AI and CS education.
Dernière mise à jour : 13 mars, 2024 - 18:46